Aquire Bulgarian Citizenship prrogram


What is is a company portal that aims to assist high-net individuals with their European Citizenship. Aquire Bulgarian Citizenship or Permanent Residential Permit in Bulgaria through our Immigration Program.

What are the requirements?

Foreign investors are able to apply for Bulgarian Extended Residential Permit, Permanent Residential Permit and Bulgarian citizenship if they are willing to invest between 330,000 EUR and 1.022,584 EUR.

What is the procedure?

To apply for a fast-track citizenship through investment or permanent residential permit, the investor must have: A certificate for investment in Bulgaria;  A valid visa, type “D”; A legitimate source of funds and; A proof of non-criminal record in the country of residence. To obtain fast-track citizenship, the investor must have obtained and held for at least 1 year a permanent residence statute. That is based on the BIIP and increase his investment.

Can the Investor hold a dual citizenship?

Yes, the investor can hold a dual citizenship.

Does the Investor automatically become an EU citizen after he acquires Bulgarian citizenship?

Yes. Bulgaria has been a member of the European Union since 2007

What is the refund policy?

The refund policy allows the investor to gain back his assets through a sale process if his application has been rejected. Investments in property are refundable after a 5-year term if the application goes through.

How does help me during the process? provides full assistance to foreign investors who are willing in obtaining citizenship through investment in Bulgaria. Our aid consists of providing investment alternatives. We assist the investor and his family with the documentation needed to complete the application as well.

How much should I invest?

Investors can choose investment amount between 330,000 EUR as a minimum for acquiring Extended Residential Permit. There is a possibility to increase the investment to 1.022,584 EUR and more for a fast-track citizenship.

What are the benefits of acquiring Bulgarian citizenship?

The benefits are many – visa-free travel within the EU and Schengen; A fast-track citizenship option; Return on investment. It is the cheapest second passport option in the EU.

What is a Certificate for Investment?

In addition to Bulgarian citizenship, health insurance, opportunities for business development and education, the foreign investor has a guaranteed visa-free travel within the EU and Schengen.

What is Visa, type "D"?

Visa type “D” is a long-stay or national visa, that entitles the holder to multiple entries in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria within its validity term. It also permits you to visa-free travel in the Schengen area without additional requirements.

Does the investor have to reside in Bulgaria?

In addition to Bulgarian citizenship, health insurance, opportunities for business development and education, the foreign investor has a guaranteed visa-free travel within the EU and Schengen.